Ricerca CERCA

Priority indices for fish passage in the Dora Baltea catchment (Aosta Valley Region)


Reference persons CLAUDIO COMOGLIO

External reference persons Dr. Andrea Mammoliti Mochet (ARPA Valle d'Aosta)


Description The thesis work, developed in collaboration with ARPA Valle d'Aosta, within the framework of the LIFE GrayMarble project recently financed by the European Community, is divided into the following phases

bibliographic research concerning the choice of PPPs in mountain areas and the parameters used to define priorities for their location
analysis concerning the presence of natural and artificial discontinuities within the study area and their characterisation
analysis of the composition and consistency of fish stocks in the study area;
carrying out targeted surveys within the study area;
selection of parameters and indicators that quantify the suitability for fish stocks and the pressures that limit their composition and distribution in the study area;
structuring of the geo-database on which to perform the priority analyses;
geo-statistical analysis of the data collected and cartographic representation through dedicated software (GRASS, QGis, R);
application of the priority indicators deemed most suitable to the characteristics of the study area;
drafting of the final thesis report.

LIFE GRAYMARBLE: https://www.lifegraymarble.eu/

See also  https://www.arpa.vda.it/it/tesi-e-stage/3259-permeabilità-ecologi

Deadline 31/10/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA