Ricerca CERCA

Upper limb rehabilitation devices for orthopaedic and neurological patients

azienda Thesis in external company    



External reference persons Giulia Bodo (IIT)

Research Groups 17 - Progettazione di macchine rotanti e sistemi meccatronici


Description Impaired trunk control frequently affects stroke survivors. The functionality of the trunk is not only a key predictor but also an essential component for various aspects of recovery, including respiratory function, balance, walking ability, and performance in activities of daily living (ADL). Consequently, it is imperative to prioritize the restoration of these functions from the early stages of the rehabilitation process.
The initial device prototype will be controlled using a real-time target machine, enabling the straightforward acquisition and immediate processing of sensor signals.
The candidate will play a crucial role in sensorization design of an innovative 5 Degrees of Freedom (5 DoF) robotic device intended to restore trunk functionality. The candidate will focus on the sensor data acquisition and elaboration. Specifically:
1. Implementing Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs): This system will provide real-time assessments of trunk and tibias inclinations, enabling the detection of imbalances and potential falls.
2. Incorporating Sensorized Seating: Analysing pressure distribution to reconstruct a pressure map to correctly identify compensatory imbalance mechanisms, along with the clinical interpretation of this data.
3. Developing a Closed-Loop Control Strategy: This approach will be based on sensor data, allowing for the identification of compensatory movements and the restoration of the correct trunk position through the device action.
The ideal candidate has a mechatronic background and good skills in using the Matlab/Simulink environment.

See also  thesisproposal_1.pdf 

Required skills The ideal candidate has a mechatronic background and good skills in using the Matlab/Simulink environment.

Notes The activity will be carried on in the Rehab Technology group of Italian Institute of Technology (Genova).

Deadline 28/02/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA