Ricerca CERCA

Development of a multi-physical model for the quench analysis in the DTT Toroidal Field Coil Cold Test Facility


Riferimenti esterni Marco De Bastiani

Gruppi di ricerca Nemo

Tipo tesi RESEARCH

Descrizione This thesis work is inserted in the international research effort towards the production of fusion electricity. DTT will be a fundamental experiment to test specific components of a fusion reactors in support to the EU DEMO design. DTT is a fully superconducting tokamak.
In this thesis work the analysis of a quench of the TF coil within the cold test facility will be implemented. To obtain reliable results several physical aspects must be considered including Thermal-Hydraulics (TH), Electrics (EL) and Electro-Magnetism (EM).

Vedi anche  thesisproposal_quenchdtt_tf.pdf 

Note Possibility to collaborate with DTT Scarl and ENEA Frascati

Scadenza validita proposta 04/02/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA