Analysis and interpretation of experimental data measured on high-temperature superconducting samples
Gruppi di ricerca Nemo
Tipo tesi RESEARCH
Descrizione Within EUROfusion consortium, the Work Package magnets (in charge of the design of the European nuclear fusion reactor DEMOnstrator) is pursuing a collaboration with China for the development and test of high-temperature superconductors (HTS) samples to be tested in fusion-relevant operating conditions.
In particular, the NEMO group of Politecnico di Torino is involved in the design of some of these samples (being prepared at ENEA Frascati laboratories) and in the analysis of the measured data.
At the beginning of December 2023, a set of quench tests has been carried out on a sample in SULTAN facility (SPC Villigen, CH).
Voltage and He, stack and jacket temperatures were measured along the conductors, with a particularly rich set of sensors.
The aim of the work is twofold:
-Analyze the experimental results in terms of thermal-hydraulic performance, normal zone propagation and hotspot temperature, AC losses and HTS performance (critical current and current sharing temperature).
-Implement in the H4C code (developed by the proponents' group), calibrate and validate the thermal-hydraulic and electric model of the sample.
If a new sample will be produced by ENEA, it will also be possible to take part to its tests in Switzerland.
Note Possibility to collaborate with ENEA and SPC (Villigen, CH).
Scadenza validita proposta 04/02/2025