Ricerca CERCA

Area Ingegneria

Design and analysis of experiments to measure the thermal contact resistance between the jacket of superconducting conductors


Riferimenti esterni Marco De Bastiani

Gruppi di ricerca Nemo

Tipo tesi RESEARCH

Descrizione Within EUROfusion consortium, the Work Package magnets (in charge of the design of the European nuclear fusion reactor DEMOnstrator) is pursuing a collaboration with South Korea for the development of a partially-insulated version of the EU DEMO toroidal field magnets.
The NEMO group of Politecnico di Torino is involved in the measurement of the thermal (and electrical) resistance across the jacket, that should depend on the contact pressure and on the surface status.
One dedicated test has already been carried out in January 2024, and other tests are foreseen during this year at RINA consulting (Castel Romano).
Voltage and temperature of the jacket were measured at different cooling temperature and contact pressure.
The aim of the work is to analyze the experimental results in terms of thermal (and electrical) contact resistance, if needed with the help of some numerical model to interpret the data. Moreover, as a new experiment is foreseen, it is required to better design the test matrix to allow the collection of more useful data, based on the experience gained from the analysis of the first tests.
If the tests will be carried out in 2024, it will also be possible to take part to the tests in RINA consulting.

Note Possibility to collaborate with ENEA and RINA consulting

Scadenza validita proposta 04/02/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA