Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

Variational modeling of crystal defects

estero Thesis abroad


Reference persons MARCO MORANDOTTI

External reference persons Pierluigi Cesana (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)

Research Groups Analisi non lineare e calcolo delle variazioni

Thesis type RESEARCH

Description The thesis will be about the variational modeling of material defects, with a particular focus on disclinations in crystals. These defects, together with dislocations, are responsible for the plastic behavior of metals and their understanding is of great importance to study their impact on the material properties, both from the energetic and from the dynamic point of view. The candidate will get acquainted with the existing models and can contribute to novel research in a few different directions, including the characterization of equilibrium configurations, the dynamics of these defects, or their homogenization. The research can be complemented by numerical experiments.

See also  http://marcomorandotti.weebly.com/master_thesis.html

Required skills The knowledge acquired in the courses of mathematical analysis 1 and 2, mathematical methods for engineering, measure theory, functional analysis and PDE's, calculus of variations, continuum mechanics (constructions science as an optional).

Notes The thesis can be partially developed at Kyushu University in Fukuoka for a period up to six months to be concluded by March 31st, 2025, and with the possibility of being awarded a competitive scholarship to cover part of the expenses. The interested candidates are invited to contact professor Morandotti by April 15th, 2024; interviews will take place on Thursday April 18th, 2024.

Deadline 02/04/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA