Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

THESIS AND INTERNSHIP IN A COMPANY: Development of a methodology for applications of AI in the process of creation of mechanical components

azienda Thesis in external company    



External reference persons Di Maggio Luigi

Research Groups 20- ISED: Industrial Systems Engineering and Design

Description Artificial intelligence (AI) to date plays an increasingly crucial role in the engineering world, especially when applied to finite element analysis. This field of research and development focuses on computer systems that can solve complex problems and make decisions autonomously.
Examples of applications of AI to date may include:
Automate processes: speeding up design and reducing costs.
Optimize processes: increasing efficiency.
Perform predictive maintenance: predicting failures and improving reliability.
Conduct advanced simulations and modeling: getting fast and reliable results.
Recognize hidden patterns and relationships in data.
Assisting in design by suggesting optimal solutions respecting specific constraints.
The goal for this Thesis would be to develop a methodology for using AI in support of the design of specific components (housing and cover of a gearbox) to optimize processes and the components themselves that will be considered.
To pursue this goal the steps to be followed can be broken down into 2 steps:
Development of the automatic analytical data creation process to train AI
AI training, and final analytical verification.
For process development, Commercial software's will be preferred even if an initial screening on the open source will be appreciated.

Notes Thesis and Internship in Dumarey (Corso Castelfidardo)
Number of exams still to be taken: maximum 2

Deadline 10/06/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA