Ricerca CERCA

Validating Quantum Computing Architectures with Testing and Formal Verification Techniques



Research Groups DAUIN - GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS, DAUIN - GR-13 - METODI FORMALI - FM


Description Quantum computing architectures are rapidly evolving, with significant progress in hardware development and algorithm design. Ensuring the reliability and correctness of these architectures is crucial for their practical deployment. This Ph.D. project aims to develop and apply comprehensive testing and formal verification techniques for quantum computing architectures. By identifying and addressing potential errors and inconsistencies, this project seeks to enhance the robustness and reliability of quantum computing systems.

Quantum computing architectures encompass various hardware and software components that perform quantum computations. These include qubits, quantum gates, error correction codes, and quantum algorithms. Ensuring the correctness and reliability of these components is critical for advancing the field of quantum computing.

Testing and verification are essential in classical computing, ensuring that hardware and software work correctly and efficiently. In quantum computing, these processes are even more critical due to the unique challenges of quantum mechanics, such as qubit decoherence, gate errors, and noise. Robust testing and verification techniques can help mitigate these issues, leading to more reliable quantum computing systems.

Main steps and objectives:
• Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing testing and verification methodologies and frameworks for classical and quantum computing.
• Framework Design: Design testing and verification frameworks specifically tailored for quantum computing architectures, incorporating aspects like fault detection, error rates, and performance metrics.
• Develop Testing Frameworks: Create testing frameworks tailored to quantum computing architectures, focusing on fault detection and performance validation.
• Format Verification Techniques: Design and implement format verification techniques to ensure the correctness of quantum circuits and programs.
• Benchmarking and Analysis: Conduct benchmarking of various quantum computing architectures, analyzing their performance and reliability.
• Industry Collaboration: Collaborate with industry partners to apply these techniques to real-world quantum computing platforms, gathering feedback and iterating on methodologies.

Required skills To ensure the success of this project, the candidate needs to possess diversified skills covering various aspects of quantum computing, traditional hardware and software testing, and formal verification and validation techniques.

Notes Expected Outcomes:
• Comprehensive Testing Frameworks: Develop a robust testing framework capable of identifying faults and validating the performance of quantum computing architectures.
• Effective Verification Techniques: Implement advanced format verification techniques to ensure the correctness and reliability of quantum circuits and programs.
• Benchmarking Results: Perform benchmarking results and analysis, highlighting the performance and reliability of various quantum computing platforms.
• Industry-Ready Tools: Make available practical tools and methodologies that the quantum computing industry can adopt to enhance the reliability of their systems.

Deadline 31/12/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA