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Area Ingegneria

Investigation of Degradation Mechanisms in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fueled by Bio-Syngas with Contaminants

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    


Riferimenti esterni Tutors: Lucia Pera, Parolo Marocco, Marta Gandiglio, Massimo Santarelli (POLITO), Davide Pumiglia (ENEA)

Gruppi di ricerca M3ES

Descrizione Description: This thesis is performed in collaboration between Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and the research institute ENEA Casaccia (Rome) and plans to be carried out at ENEA. The thesis is expected to start in September-October 2024 and the experimental campaign in ENEA will last about 4-5 months.
Experimental testing on button cells fed by bio-syngas will be carried out. Through a series of tests under various operating conditions, the aim of the study is the evaluation of the temporal evolution of the processes determining the overall performances. Degradation processes will be monitored and studied to understand how these contaminants impact SOFC performance. The goal is to understand the mechanisms of degradation and determine the tolerable limits of contaminants.
Location: ENEA Casaccia, Roma

Conoscenze richieste Skills required: Fuel cells, curiosity and desire to learn lab skills, Matlab, Autonomy attitude, English writing skills.

Scadenza validita proposta 01/08/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA