Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

Evaluation of neck muscle function in patients with vestibular disorders


Reference persons MARCO GHISLIERI

External reference persons Prof. DANILO BONDI - Laboratorio di Valutazione Funzionale dell'Università "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara

Research Groups Biolab: Ingegneria Biomedica

Description The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation in improving neck muscle stiffness and functionality in patients with vestibular disorders. The study will focus on a detailed analysis of surface electromyographic signals acquired before and after a 20-40 day course of vestibular rehabilitation treatment, with the goal of exploring changes in muscle stiffness and activation. Additionally, the correlations between electromyographic parameters and key clinical scores will be investigated to better understand the treatment’s impact on neuromuscular function and the patients’ overall motor abilities. This work aims to contribute to the existing literature on the effects of vestibular rehabilitation, providing new insights into the role of cervical muscle function and its relationship with clinical outcomes, with the ultimate goal of improving therapeutic approaches and personalizing rehabilitation protocols for this patient population.

Required skills Biomedical signal processing; MATLAB or Python programming; Descriptive statistics; Neuroengineering exam with a score above 27.

Notes Applications must be submitted through the online procedure available in the 'Thesis Proposals' section. The thesis assignment will be communicated via email in the days following the proposal deadline, scheduled for March 01, 2025.

For further information about this thesis proposal, please send an email to marco.ghislieri@polito.it.

Deadline 31/03/2025      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA