Ricerca CERCA

Disaster recovery and virtual machine migration


Reference persons ANDREA BIANCO

Research Groups Telecommunication Networks Group


Description  The digital era created a huge amount of information in different media formats: this information is growing strongly as much as the need to store it reliably and to access it quickly. For this reason. Storage Area Networks and Disaster Recovery mechanisms are important design issues for future networks.

To guarantee data reliability and accessibility, the geographical distribution of storage resources is an important asset. This implies today exploiting available high-speed data networks and remote storage solutions. The distribution of storage resources permits the data virtualization, effectively decoupling the data and the service access from the physical devices. Furthermore, the full migration of application services is available thanks to virtualization solutions (e.g. XEN, WMware, OpenVZ, etc.).

A distributed network architecture, where both data and application services can migrate between hosts, is the basis for the introduction of new communication paradigms such as data mirroring, automatic on-line remote backup.

The main topics to be addressed are:

* Performance analysis of virtualization solutions (includes modelling, simulation and experiments)
* Design/analysis/simulation of a network infrastructure suitable for data and application services migration, to guarantee reliability, flexibility and improve performance.

Required skills  Good knowledge of Linux-based systems and computer programming. Basic knowledge of operations research & optimization.

Deadline 25/11/2012      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA