Ricerca CERCA

NEC Heidelberg - Implementazione e valutazione di una piattaforma flessibilie e scalabile di routing a livello flusso

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    estero Tesi all'estero


Riferimenti MARCO MELLIA

Riferimenti esterni Saverio Niccolini - NEC Lab - Heidelberg

Gruppi di ricerca Telecommunication Networks Group


Descrizione Implementation and Evaluation of a Flexible, Scalable Flow Processing Platform (Flowstream)
The Internet has seen a proliferation of specialized middlebox devices that carry out crucial
network functionality such as load balancing, packet inspection or intrusion detection,
amongst others. Traditionally, high performance network devices have been built on custom
multi-core, specialized memory hierarchies. Recently, however, commodity PC hardware has
experienced a significant increase in performance; combining these PCs with programmable
switches such as those supporting the Openflow protocol provides a new network commodity
platform. Such a platform enables new flow processing and forwarding at an unprecedented
flexibility and low cost, while still yielding very good performance. For instance, one such
platform could be processing certain flows through a firewall module, some others through a DPI
module and yet some others through an IP forwarding module.
The student will work on enhancing the capabilities of this platform's controller software with
innovative features. The work will likely include looking at issues like resource allocation (how
to map the available hardware to the requests of the platform's users), resource monitoring (e.g.,
how loaded is a computer or switch), and fairness. The work will also consist of evaluating the
platform's performance with a view towards publication in a top-tier conference. Part of the work
will consist of continuing work on the platform's GUI with views towards a demo. More
information about the platform:

Vedi anche  nec - flowstream_internship.pdf  http://www.nw.neclab.eu/jobs_2.htm

Conoscenze richieste - strong software development skills,
- strong knowledge in Python,
- strong knowledge in C/C++,
- knowledge of software development with Linux (make, gcc, svn, etc),
- knowledge of networking principles (IP, TCP, UDP, ...),
- good communication skills (English).

Note Place of assignment: NEC Laboratories Europe, Network Division, Heidelberg, Germany
Reference person: Dr. Felipe Huici (felipe.huici@nw.neclab.eu)

Starting date: October 2010 (flexible)
Duration of the stay: minimum 5-6 months - maximum 8 months

Scadenza validita proposta 30/12/2010      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA