Ricerca CERCA

Design of a C++ control application for innovative laser-based tires profiling system @Tire Profiles Italy

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    

Parole chiave APPLICATION, C++


Riferimenti esterni DI CARLO Stefano (Politecnico di Torino), SANTANERA Cesare (Tire Profiles Italy), BALESTRA Francesca (Tire Profiles Italy)

Gruppi di ricerca TESTGROUP - TESTGROUP


Descrizione Goals:
The thesis aims at the development of a set of applications in C++, to be developed or improved from previous releases, for the control of an innovative tires profiling system. The applications aims at managing and testing the embedded system by mean of a graphical user interface, both to be implemented using Qt.

Learning Outcomes:
During this thesis the candidate(s) will learn how to design and release documentation of an industrial application developed in C++, and will be able to understand the strong connection between the embedded system world and the computer application.

Conoscenze richieste Programming Languages: C++, C, php
Tool Knowledge: Qt
Embedded System understanding (ARM-based)

Note The thesis will be developed in strong cooperation with Tire Profiles Italy and possibly in the facilities of Tire Profiles Italy (Via Andorno 22, 10153 Torino)

Number of required Students: 2

Scadenza validita proposta 31/12/2016      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA