Ricerca CERCA

Spinning of porous metal alloy hollow fibres for catalysis and filtration

estero Thesis abroad


Reference persons ROBERTO PISANO

External reference persons Ludovic DUMEE

Research Groups MuSyChEn - Multiphase Systems and Chemical Engineering


Description The design of meso-porous metal membranes with sub-micron textured surfaces
offer superior plasmonic properties beneficial for catalysis and separation of harsh industrial
mixed solvent effluents. However currently available porous materials are based on pure metals
with limited corrosion and chemical resistance. The design of high surface to volume ratio
metal architectures, such as hollow fibre structures, also offer enhanced flow dynamics
properties and separation performance by allowing the design of compact purification systems.
This project will investigate the formation of meso-porous alloyed hollow fibres by direct
spinning or metal alloy particles – polymer dopes with an experimental spinning system
developed at Deakin University. The spinning will be followed by thermal annealing and
reduction in a tube furnace. The impact of the different spinning and annealing conditions will
be assessed to evaluate the thermo-mechanical properties. The surface electronic properties of
the materials will be characterized by Kelvin Probe measurements, while the meso-porosity
and pore size distribution of the materials will be evaluated by BET-BJH, pyknometry permporometry,
and scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore the surface energy of the materials
will be evaluated by electrokinetic analysis at different pH in water and by surface energy
analysis through adsorption of organic solvent vapours. The catalytic properties of the materials
will be assessed by decomposition of model contaminants and analysis with UV-visible
spectrophotometry. The project will be an opportunity to work in a challenging environment at
the interface between materials chemistry and nano-metallurgy within the Institute for Frontier
Materials, one of the leading Australian materials science institute in Australia.

Notes Place: Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Duration: 6 to 12 months with starting date in February – March 2016
Remuneration: Stipend of 1000 AUD/month

Deadline 01/02/2016      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA