Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

The impact of Smart Factory approaches on the supply chain structure

azienda Thesis in external company    


Description This thesis starts from a thorough literature review on the following topics:
• key components of the Smart Factory concept (Additive Manufacturing, Big Data, Internet of Things, etc.) and their applications in manufacturing environments;
• supply chain models commonly applied in manufacturing.

Once developed an adequate understanding of these concepts, the student will analyze critically how the Smart Factory approaches affect the structure and relationships within a supply chain. On such a basis, the student will identify the changes that are needed in order to adapt supply chains to the Smart Factory principles and will propose a new supply chain model.
The analysis might be focused on one or more specific industries where the Smart Factory concepts are currently applied.
It is advisable to study a real supply chain of a company, identified by the student.

Required skills Nozioni di logistica/supply chain management, sistemi di produzione, buona capacità di analisi, buona conoscenza della lingua inglese.

Deadline 31/07/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA