Ricerca CERCA

3D printed electronics

keywords 3D PRINTING


Research Groups AA - Materials and Processes for Micro and Nano Technologies

Description Three-dimensional (3D) printing has the potential to revolutionize science and technology by allowing the fabrication of mechanical, electronic and, in general, engineering systems, which are produced with high-cost facilities, with low cost materials and processes passing easily from the idea to the fabrication. The aim of this project is to obtain a new generation of active electronic components, which nowadays can be only fabricated by large-scale production employing standard CMOS and Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) technologies, and demonstrate that the additive manufacturing approach may lead to a paradigm change where the structural part of an object may embed the functionalities of the interwoven electronic devices.
In the thesis period the student will focus on new materials testing exploiting high resolution 3D printing machines available at Chilab, Material and Microsystem Laboratory of Politecnico di Torino, in Chivasso.

Deadline 06/06/2017      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA