Ricerca CERCA

Model for the thermal demand of large district heating networks (application to the Turin network)


Reference persons VITTORIO VERDA

External reference persons Elisa Guelpa


Physical models of district heating networks are fundamental in order to evaluate optimal strategies to be taken to reduce primary energy consumption and to make possible extensions to areas that are currently unconnected. Their use requires knowledge of thermal demand profiles; This need can become problematic in very extensive networks where the single request forecast for each user would require a considerable time to compute and a wide availability of monitoring systems. A master thesis is proposed here for the development of a model for assessing the thermal demand profiles of an extended portion of district heating in Turin by clustering approach. The thesis will be carried out in collaboration with the company IREN

Required skills conoscenza tecnologie energetiche, conoscenza software Matlab©, interesse per modellazione di sistemi e programmazione

Deadline 09/05/2018      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA