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When does it pay off to engage in IP co-ownership?

estero Tesi all'estero

Parole chiave INNOVATION


Descrizione Collaborative innovation is the new trend in innovation. The best companies do not innovate alone but with other companies and research centres. The best companies know that there are many talents outside their boundaries and are willing to involve them in their innovation processes. Technological projects, including collaborative ones, lead to patents and other Intellectual Property (IP) rights. But when does it pay off to engage in IP co-ownership? This research will examine for the first time why some companies engage in IP co-ownership analyzing their charateristics and the charateristics of their collaborative projects. This research is in collaboration with Prof. Bart Van Looy of KULeuven (Brussels). A period abroad to work with him can be arranged for interested students. For more info write to paolo.landoni@polito.it attaching a CV.

Scadenza validita proposta 20/09/2018      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA