Ricerca CERCA

Robust design and development of a cross-platform mobile app using hybrid technologies

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    



Gruppi di ricerca GR-19 - SYSTEM BIOLOGY GROUP - SYSBIO

Descrizione moltosenso has been working for several years on the development of products and services related to waste collection management. In particular, one of our products – already on the market –, a mobile app called CIDIU4U, is used in the territory served by CIDIU SERVIZI SpA, the waste collection company operating on the Municipalities placed in the North-West of Turin, to provide views and services to the citizens.
This app, to date developed in Android native language, needs to be redesigned, expanded with new features, made more secure, made GDPR compliant and ported on other platforms (iOS, for instance).

Vedi anche  moltosenso_app_thesis_spring_2019.pdf 

Conoscenze richieste FIRST CANDIDATE:
The first candidate must be a Computer Science student (Ingegneria Informatica), with the following skills:
• undergraduate student (looking for a Ms.C. thesis);
• independent in learning new languages;
• proficient in programming in Java / C / C++;
• able to set up views and queries in SQL;
• able to use web services;
• a preference is having in the curriculum the class: “Mobile application development”, prof. G. Malnati.
The second candidate shall be a student of Bachelor degree in Design e Comunicazione Visiva, with the following skills:
• knowledge in Ux and Ui, graphical design for applications, ergonomics;
• preferred skills on user retention.
• a preference is having in the curriculum the class: “Ipermedia e sviluppo web”, prof. A. Benso.

Scadenza validita proposta 10/01/2019      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA