Ricerca CERCA

R-Mode - A Radio Navigation System for Marine Applications

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    

Parole chiave GNSS

Riferimenti FABIO DOVIS

Riferimenti esterni German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Communications and Navigation Niklas.hehenkamp@dlr.de

Gruppi di ricerca Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation group (NavSAS)

Descrizione Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are today a single point of failure for numerous systems in the transport sector which need accurate timing and/or positioning. Especially in the maritime domain many bridge systems depend on the availability of a reliable GNSS based position and time. In areas with high traffic density and/or obstacles near the shipping lane this causes a serious thread for safe operation of the vessels. Therefore, the DLR is developing together with partners a terrestrial maritime backup system, named Ranging Mode (R-Mode), which will be implemented on existing maritime infrastructure. Next steps would be the implementation of a R-Mode receiver and the optimisation of radio beacon ranging signal components which will be added to the legacy radio beacon signal.
Your tasks:
 Get familiar with the R-Mode radio navigation system
 Analysis of measurement data from the R-Mode testbed
 Development of ranging techniques

Vedi anche  internship_rmode.pdf 

Note The thesis is developed in DLR, Neusterlitz, Germany. A monthly expenses refund is offered by DLR. Non-European students might be not-eligible due to Visa issues.

Scadenza validita proposta 18/01/2020      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA