Ricerca CERCA

Galileo Second Generation (G2G): Early Warning Service simulator - thesis in Thales Alenia Space

azienda Thesis in external company    

keywords GALILEO, GNSS

Reference persons FABIO DOVIS

External reference persons Company tutor in Thales Alenia Space: Eleuteri Massimo. Massimo.Eleuteri@thalesaleniaspace.com

Research Groups Navigation Signal Analysis and Simulation group (NavSAS)

Thesis type SIMULATION

Description Thales Alenia Space is participating to the design of the next generation of the European Satellite Navigation System Galileo. In this context a new service, i.e. the Early Warning Service, is going to be designed.

The technical objective of this stage is to design and implement (in Matlab) a simulator of the Early Warning Service (a new service to be provided by Galileo in the next future) to be used in support of all design and verification activities for this new functionality.

Proposed Activity Path and Approach:
1. Analysis of the current design of the Early Warning Service.
2. Design and implementation of the Early Warning Service simulator (Matlab)
3. Analysis for the dimensioning and optimization of the Early Warning Service functionalities and performances
4. Integration of the Early Warning Service simulator
5. Update of the Early Warning Service simulator in line with project evolution

See also  g2g early warning system simulator_stage2.pdf 

Required skills Satellite Navigation Systems

Notes The thesis will be developed in Thales Alenia Space Rome

Deadline 28/01/2020      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA