Ricerca CERCA

Note-taking tools for Virtual and Mixed Reality Training systems


Reference persons FABRIZIO LAMBERTI

External reference persons Gabriele Pratticò

Research Groups GR-09 - GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Description It is a quite common habit for many students and trainees to take notes during lectures. Nowadays, independently of the kind of notes made (annotation on didactic material, original text, schemes, etc.), the two prevalent approaches to produce notes are handwriting (on paper or digital supports) and keyboard typing (on writing software). However, due to the technological limitations and specificities of immersive mediums, both these methods are impractical for Virtual Reality (VR) educational application and sub-optimal for Mixed Reality (MR) ones.

The aim of this thesis is to design and test novel note-taking techniques for VR and MR, to be used in training applications, that fit the constraints imposed by the technology and are able to unlock the learning potential by relying on spatial cues and embodiment. Examples of these techniques are the creation of spatialized audio notes, the recording and replay of users’ actions, the creation of mind-maps using snapshots, videos and icons, 3D stenography, etc.

Some of these techniques should be designed to enable asynchronous social interactions for VR educational platforms. In such a way, students can connect to a VR Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on their own, follow a course at their own pace, and leave notes for other students who will follow the course later.

See also  http://grains.polito.it/work.php

Deadline 25/09/2022      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA