Ricerca CERCA

Social and Technological Innovation Through Design, in Contexts of Economic, Environmental and Political Scarcity



External reference persons Roberto Pennacchio; Michele Di Marco (EAHR)

Description The thesis proposal is part of a collaboration aimed at developing some proposals for the "100 Classrooms for Refugee Children" project, formalized by a Memorandum of Understanding between Politecnico di Torino and Emergency Architecture and Human Rights.
The project "100 Classrooms for Refugee Children" aims to analyze and develop social innovation strategies through the design and implementation of buildings and classrooms in contexts of scarcity. The project aims to capitalize on the skills accumulated through the implementation of the Classroom for Refugee Children at the Za'atari camp in Jordan (https://ea-hr.com/zaatari-classroom/), through participation processes and prototyping.
Students will work in direct collaboration with EAHR on one of the following aspects:
- Social Innovation: the theory of project practice, declined with respect to the management of the social innovation process: which agency for the architectural project? what instruments? what objectives and what effects? The project aims to make a complex process replicable through a weak and inclusive protocol. The construction and management of the process can take place through a definition of the social and compositional variables of the project that is as resilient as possible and allows to associate, from time to time, the specific contingencies - (Ref. Valeria Federighi).
- Technological Innovation: The definition of methods and tools for context-based and climate-responsive strategies, able to face the challenges in contexts where resources are scarce, not only in economic terms, but also with regard to the availability of materials and equipment for construction, the development of efficient construction technologies, and technical knowledge and skills of the local workers. The project includes the study of low-cost technologies (low tech/high performance), appropriate and suitable to cope with potential risk conditions due to increasingly frequent cases of "natural disasters", as a result of the climate change. (Ref. Francesca De Filippi, Roberto Pennacchio).

Required skills Oltre alle competenze progettuali normalmente acquisite nel corso di studi è richiesta un’ottima capacità di rappresentazione grafica, una buona padronanza della lingua inglese e predisposizione a lavorare in contesti extra locali.

Notes Per la valutazione della proposta si consiglia la consultazione di:

“Classrooms for Refugee Children: the value of a participatory process”. Giulio Marzullo, tesi magistrale, 2020.
Ardeth, Architectural Design Theory (www.ardeth.eu). In particolare:
Della Scala, Valerio, “Un’azione del progetto nello state-building del Kosovo: alcune esplorazioni grafiche.” Ardeth 6, 2020: 171-187.
Who Builds Your Architecture? “Design Contructions Networks.” Ardeth 3, 2018: 193-203.
Barbera, Filippo e Tania Parisi. Innovatori Sociali: la sindrome di Prometeo nell’Italia che cambia. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2019.
Federighi, Valeria. The Informal Stance. Representations of Architectural Design and Informal Settlements. San Francisco: Applied Research + Design, ORO Editions, 2018.
Friedman Y., Goodbun J. (guest editor), Till J. (guest editor), Iossifova D. (guest editor), 2012. Scarcity: Architecture in an Age of Depleting Resources. John Wiley and Sons.
Cameron Sinclair, 2006. Design Like You Give a Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises. Thames & Hudson Ltd,
Rudofsky B., 1977. Architettura senza architetti, Napoli, Editoriale scientifica.
Rudofsky B., 1979. Le meraviglie dell'architettura spontanea. Note per una storia naturale dell'architettura con speciale riferimento a quelle specie che vengono tradizionalmente neglette o del tutto ignorate. Roma-Bari, Editori Laterza.
Pennacchio Roberto, F. De Filippi, M. Bosetti, Takayoshi Aoki, Phuntsho Wangmo (2020). Influence of Traditional Building Practices in Seismic Vulnerability of Bhutanese Vernacular Rammed Earth Architecture. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE, pp. 1-20, ISSN: 1558-3066, doi: 10.1080/15583058.2020.1785044.
De Filippi F., Pennacchio R., Restuccia L., Torres S., 2020. Towards a Sustainable and context-based approach to anti-seismic retrofitting techniques for vernacular adobe buildings in Colombia. Heritage2020 (3DPast | RISK-Terra) International Conference, 9–12 Sept. 2020, Valencia, Spain, Eds. C. Mileto, F. Vegas, L. Garcia-Soriano and V. Cristini. In The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, vol. XLIV-M-1-2020, pp.1089-1096. Copernicus Publications.
De Filippi F. (a cura di), 2016. Costruire con la comunità. Un’ esperienza di autocostruzione nella Regione di Oaxaca, Messico. Ermes Edizioni Scientifiche.
De Filippi F., Architettura e culture costruttive a sud del Mediterraneo. Le città oasi egiziane. Aracne, Roma 2010
Pennacchio R. & Nicchia R., 2014. Promoting vernacular architecture as a central topic in academic research and education in Mexico. In Vernacular Heritage and Earthen Architecture: Contributions for Sustainable Development, Eds. M. Correia, G. Carlos, S. Rocha (Escola Superior Gallaecia, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Pennacchio R., Nicchia R., Basile A., Tulisi A., 2014. Vernacular approach to architectural design in a development cooperation experience with Mexican indigenous communities. Imagining culture of cooperation: Universities networking to face the new development challenges. Proceedings of the III CUCS Congress, 19-21 sept. 2013. Junco - Journal of UNiversities and International development Cooperation, n.1, pp. 237-244.
Parlato S., Pennacchio R., Tulisi A., 2013. Housing and health: a local and tailor-made low-tech approach to minimize diseases in a rising community of Haiti. Conference Importance of Place - Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM), proceedings of 5th International Conference on Hazards an Modern Heritage, Sarajevo, Vol. 2 No.1, pp. 631-643. CICOPBH.

Maggiori dettagli potranno essere concordati attraverso un colloquio con i docenti.

Deadline 22/03/2021      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA