Ricerca CERCA

Web-based software development

azienda Thesis in external company    

keywords WEB

Reference persons LUCA ARDITO


Thesis type INTERNSHIP

Description The student will be actively involved in the project to develop web-based management software.
This project aims to develop the software on the web and make it as complete as possible, using the available technologies.
The student will work within our team dealing with the design of web and mobile interfaces. This task will be to understand, deal with and manage the migration and improvement of the management software on the web.
A senior mobile developer will support the resource. During the project, he/she will be trained to implement applications following the Agile methodology and the most innovative standards available today in technology and IT.
The thesis activity will be divided into three parts:
- the first part involves a study of the software and the technologies made available for its implementation and development. The student will manage a series of tasks to carry out independently under the supervision of the senior mobile developer and the company tutor to understand what has been explained.
- The second part focuses on transforming the software into the web according to the project requirements. The student will be shown in more detail the technologies suitable and used to transform the management software into the web. In this phase, the student will be made aware of all the possible problems concerning the transformation into the web and learn how to manage them and find the most suitable solutions. In this second part, the student will alternate between phases in which he/she will be supported by the figures mentioned above and others. He/she will be assigned tasks to carry out independently to assess his/her understanding of what has been illustrated.
- The third phase, following implementation on the web, concerns any adaptations to be made on the mobile side. The student will learn how to use the available technologies to adapt the project to mobile and define and complete the user interface. Immediately afterwards, the student will learn the API / cache system for all possible actions, including the login. Also, in this phase, there will be moments when the student will be assisted by the subjects mentioned above and others when he/she will work autonomously.
The project also envisages weekly meetings - presumably on Saturdays - between the student, the company tutor and the senior mobile developer, with the critical and necessary aim of comparing the project's progress, the difficulties encountered, and the solutions proposed and found.

Deadline 28/10/2021      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA