Ricerca CERCA

Use of an ESOM to assess the Italian Long-term National Strategy in the light of the most recent targets included in the Next Generation EU and REPower EU framework


Reference persons LAURA SAVOLDI

External reference persons Ing. Gianvito Colucci

Research Groups MAHTEP


Description The Italian Long-term National Strategy on Emissions Reduction provides a set of solutions to reach the carbon neutrality in Italy by 2050. The document includes three main driver typologies: a huge decrease of the energy demand; a radical shift towards an energy mix mainly based on renewables, in combination with a deep end-use electrification and hydrogen deployment; the increasing of CO2 absorption through Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) activities and Carbon Capture Use and Storage (CCUS) technologies. Developed in the context of the European Green Deal (that is the roadmap for the sustainable evolution of the European economic system), the National Long-term Strategy did not include the European strategies to recover from the most recent crisis, namely the Next Generation EU, against the COVID-19 pandemic, and the REPower EU, against the current Russia-Ukraine conflict. The aim of the thesis is to implement an Italian Long-term National Strategy scenario for the application in the TIMES/TEMOA-Italy model, also including the Next Generation EU and REPower EU most recent targets. Besides the generation of scenario constraints to reproduce the objectives of the abovementioned strategies, the work would also consider both the review of future trends for socio-economic development and techno-economic characterization for low-carbon technologies that would allow reaching the prescribed targets.

Required skills Attendance of the course "Models and scenarios for energy planning".

Deadline 02/07/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA