Ricerca CERCA

Keyword: AUDIO

Analisi dei contenuti audio per la generazione di effetti video in tempo reale  SERVETTI ANTONIO  INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
azienda TESI AZIENDA Applicazione dell'intelligenza artificiale nel doppiaggio e nella post produzione sonora  BOTTINO ANDREA  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-02 - COMPUTER GRAPHIC AND VISION GROUP - CGVG  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
azienda TESI AZIENDA Audio Synthetic Data for Machine Learning  RIENTE FABRIZIO  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Collaborative acoustic atlas by means of webrtc  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Collaborative acoustic atlas by means of webrtc  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Collective sonic interaction with web-based applications  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Collective sonic interaction with web-based applications  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
FPGA-based HW Design for Digital Signal Processing for Advanced Audio Beamforming  RIENTE FABRIZIO  TURVANI GIOVANNA  ZAMBONI MAURIZIO  VLSILAB (VLSI theory, design and applications)
Networked music performance in a web environment  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Real-time remote audio rendering with web audio API  SERVETTI ANTONIO  GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Ultra low latency music performance over the Internet  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG
Ultra low latency music performance over the Internet  SERVETTI ANTONIO  DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG