Ricerca CERCA

Keyword: CFD

Thermostructural analysis of an innovative anti-ice panel  FERRO CARLO GIOVANNI  MAGGIORE PAOLO  16-ASTRA: Additive manufacturing for Systems and sTRuctures in Aerospace
azienda TESI AZIENDA Aerodynamic database defintion of unconventional aircraft  LERRO ANGELO  15-Modellazione, simulazione e controllo di velivoli
Analisi CFD della circolazione cerebrale in presenza di aritmie cardiache  RIDOLFI LUCA  SCARSOGLIO STEFANIA
Analisi fluidodinamica di valvola proporzionale 2/2 per fluidi idraulici a bassa infiammabilità ed a basso impatto ambientale  FINESSO ROBERTO  RUNDO MASSIMO  FPRL - Fluid Power Research Laboratory
Analisi fluidodinamica di valvola proporzionale 2/2 per fluidi idraulici a bassa infiammabilità ed a basso impatto ambientale  RUNDO MASSIMO  FPRL - Fluid Power Research Laboratory
Analysis of a water LOCA in the EU DEMO Vacuum Vessel  FROIO ANTONIO  NEMO (Nuclear Engineering MOdelling) group (PoliTo)
Biogeography Based Optimization of the cooling system of the mirrors of the Gyrotron for nuclear fusion applications  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Biogeography Based Optimization of the cooling system of the mirrors of the Gyrotron for nuclear fusion applications  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation of local airflow control and microwave systems for the reduction of COVID19 risks in the indoor environment  SIMONETTI MARCO  H-NAC Hybrid Natural Air Conditioning
azienda TESI AZIENDA CFD analysis of an atmospheric water harvesting large scale field  SIMONETTI MARCO  H-NAC Hybrid Natural Air Conditioning
CFD analysis of the effects of surface roughness on performances of innovative heat exchangers realized with additive manufacturing processes  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
CFD analysis of the effects of surface roughness on the thermal-hydraulic performances of solar receivers  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
CFD analysis of the thermal-hydraulic performance of metal foams in the removal of high heat fluxes  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
CFD analysis of thermal exchange characteristics of a portable air conditioner hose  D'AMBROSIO DOMENIC  MARSILIO ROBERTO  03-Aerotermodinamica, Magnetofluidodinamica e dinamica dei plasmi
CFD analysis of thermal exchange characteristics of a portable air conditioner hose  D'AMBROSIO DOMENIC  MARSILIO ROBERTO  03-Aerotermodinamica, Magnetofluidodinamica e dinamica dei plasmi
CFD modeling of hemodialysis devices for the treatment of renal failure  BOCCARDO GIANLUCA  CAUDA VALENTINA ALICE  MARCHISIO DANIELE  AA - Multiscale modelling for materials science and process engineering  https://www.tnhlab.polito.it/
Comparative analysis of several evolutionary algorithm used for the optimization of the cooling system of the Gyrotron cavity for nuclear fusion applications  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Comparative analysis of the performances of an innovative heat exchanger manufactured with traditional and additive manufacturing processes  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Coupled CFD and tritium transport analysis for fusion applications  MESCHINI SAMUELE  TESTONI RAFFAELLA  Essential
DNS of plasma jets-based active flow control for turbulent flows  SERPIERI JACOPO  Flow Control
Design and verification of noise reduction technologies for axial fans  AVALLONE FRANCESCO  10- Fluidodinamica
Design of a optimal cooling configuration of azimuthal mini-channels for the Gyrotron cavity  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Design of an air conditioning system for a Li-ion battery plenum: CFD model and optimisation  CARELLO MASSIMILIANA  SANTARELLI MASSIMO  Automazione e Robotica  Veicoli ibridi
Development and optimization of a novel internal fin system for CSP tubular receivers  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Development of correlations for the heat losses from the receivers of modular CSP plants with central tower  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
azienda TESI AZIENDA Experimental and numerical characterization of hydrodynamic dumpers  D'AMBROSIO DOMENIC  MARSILIO ROBERTO
Fluidic-structural numerical modeling for aeronautic components  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
azienda TESI AZIENDA Integration and Validation of Panel Method and Aeroacoustic Methods with Vortex Particle Method  AVALLONE FRANCESCO  10- Fluidodinamica
Modelling of heat transfer enhancement through TPMS realized by AM  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Modelling of structured contactor for Direct Air Capture  FASANO MATTEO  Multi-Scale Modeling Laboratory – SMaLL (www.polito.it/small)  Reactors & Processes for PtX (EMPA)
Multiphysics modelling of the ARC Breeding Blanket – Part II: thermal-hydraulics  DULLA SANDRA  FROIO ANTONIO  NEMO (Nuclear Engineering MOdelling) group (PoliTo)
Numerical investigation of air injection in tubular CSP absorbers  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Numerical modeling of tsunami waves generated by landslides in coastal areas  PIRULLI MARINA
Numerical modelling of an enhanced solar parabolic trough collector using a novel turbulence promoter  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Numerical simulation of a cooling hole for aeronautical applications by varying geometric and fluid-dynamic parameters through numerical optimization methodologies for the matching of experiments  MISUL DANIELA ANNA  SALVADORI SIMONE
Numerical simulation of a gas turbine combustor characterized by non-premixed flame fed by a blend of natural gas and hydrogen  BARATTA MIRKO  MISUL DANIELA ANNA  SALVADORI SIMONE
Numerical simulation of a high-pressure turbine stage for power generation including cavity flows and rotor internal cooling with non-uniform inlet boundary conditions  MISUL DANIELA ANNA  SALVADORI SIMONE
Pyrogasification of waste - sewage sludge - modeling analysis (CFD) in supercritical conditions  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  steps-denerg
RANS simulations of forced convection to a liquid metal flowing in a non-uniformly heated tube  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
RANS simulations of forced convection to a liquid metal flowing in a non-uniformly heated tube  SAVOLDI LAURA  MAHTEP
Sensitivity analysis (CFD approach) of a thermofluidodynamic model of an alpha model Stirling engine fed by gas exhaust from micro generator systems  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab  stes-denerg
Simulation of lightweight structures based on implicit modeling for aerospace applications  DE PASQUALE GIORGIO  29- SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS
Simulazione CFD di pompe ad ingranaggi gerotor  RUNDO MASSIMO  FPRL - Fluid Power Research Laboratory
Simulazione CFD di un filtro olio per applicazioni autoveicolistiche  RUNDO MASSIMO  FPRL - Fluid Power Research Laboratory
Thermal Design of Hydrogen Storage Tanks with Metal Hydrides  MINUTO FRANCESCO DEMETRIO  PAPURELLO DAVIDE  Energy Center Lab
Validation of CFD models for jets and plums in fission reactors  FROIO ANTONIO  Nemo