Ricerca CERCA

Keyword: FEM

Computational mechanics for the assessment of material and structural strength.  CORRADO MAURO
Development of Aeroelastic and Structural models through Machine Learning  FILIPPI MATTEO  PETROLO MARCO  26- MUL2
Development of numerical models for evaluating the durability of reinforced concrete structures  FALLIANO DEVID  FERRO GIUSEPPE ANDREA  RESTUCCIA LUCIANA
Estimation of the hinge moment using innovative sensors  DALLA VEDOVA MATTEO DAVIDE LORENZO  MAGGIORE PAOLO  16-ASTRA: Additive manufacturing for Systems and sTRuctures in Aerospace
Mechanical design of a passive upper limb exoskeleton for industrial use  DE BENEDICTIS CARLO  FERRARESI CARLO  04-Automazione e Robotica
Numerical analysis and design of a connection system based on elastomeric material: artificial islands case study  MATTIAZZO GIULIANA  SIRIGU SERGEJ ANTONELLO  MORE Lab _ http://www.morenergylab.polito.it
Numerical and experimental analysis of an wing panel with bolted stiffeners  ESPOSITO MARCO  GHERLONE MARCO  02-AESDO
Numerical models for impact analysis of composites  PETROLO MARCO  SAPUTO SALVATORE  26- MUL2
Numerical models for multiscale analysis of composite structures  PAGANI ALFONSO  PETROLO MARCO  26- MUL2
Numerical models for progressive failure analysis in composite structures  PETROLO MARCO  SAPUTO SALVATORE  26- MUL2
Pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction  ANASTASIO DARIO  06-Dinamica dei Sistemi Meccanici e Identificazione
azienda TESI AZIENDA Simulation of cold deformation processes of metallic materials and relative experimental validation  GALETTO MAURIZIO  GENTA GIANFRANCO  Ingegneria della qualità
azienda TESI AZIENDA Sizing and feasibility of modular structures for unmanned platforms  GHERLONE MARCO  02-AESDO
Virtual Manufacturing of Composite Structures  PETROLO MARCO  ZAPPINO ENRICO  26- MUL2
azienda TESI AZIENDA experimental characterisation of wire rope dampers and FE modelling  DIMAURO LUCA  VENTURINI SIMONE  VIGLIANI ALESSANDRO  13-Meccanica del veicolo