Ricerca CERCA


azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Characterization of pharmaceutical products produced by Spray Drying and Spray Freeze-drying  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
Continuous manufacturing applied to the lyophilization of pharmaceuticals  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
Green and sustainable insulating materials based on natural fibers  CAROSIO FEDERICO  AA - Solar Fuels and Functional Materials for Smart Energy Systems
Green and sustainable insulating materials based on natural fibers  CAROSIO FEDERICO  AA - Solar Fuels and Functional Materials for Smart Energy Systems
Mathematical modeling of spray freeze-drying of drug products  BOCCARDO GIANLUCA  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Optimizing Lyophilization Efficiency through Advanced Nested Vial Design and Process Control  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
Preservation of biomolecules via freezing & freeze-drying  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
Preservation of enzymes and other biomolecules during freeze-drying: design of the formulation  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE (Molecular Engineering Lab)
Studio del trasferimento di materia in matrici porose mediante analisi dell'immagine multivariata  PISANO ROBERTO  Multiphase systems and reactors  Multiphase systems and reactors group
Uso della dinamica molecolare per studiare l'influenza del pH e di soluzioni tampone sulla disattivazione di una proteina durante il congelamento  PISANO ROBERTO  AA - MOLE

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