Ricerca CERCA


Control and non-linear energy dissipation devices in pipeline systems for chemical plants  CERAVOLO ROSARIO  MATTA EMILIANO  Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems, Cranfield University, UK  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN XP-Resilience team  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Control and non-linear energy dissipation devices in pipeline systems for chemical plants  CERAVOLO ROSARIO  MATTA EMILIANO  Centre of Autonomous and Cyber-Physical Systems, Cranfield University, UK  Earthquake Engineering & Dynamics lab  Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN XP-Resilience team  Responsible Risk Resilience interdepartmental Centre (R3C) www.r3c.polito.it
Development of magnetic 3D printable metamaterials  ROPPOLO IGNAZIO
Effect of thermal stresses on the acoustic absorption properties of microscale heterogeneous materials  PAGANI ALFONSO  26- MUL2
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Inverse conception of metasurfaces supported by self learning algorithms  TAGLIAFERRO ALBERTO  AA - Materials and Processes for Micro and Nano Technologies
Numerical study of the interaction between turbulent flows and acoustic metasurfaces for noise attenuation  AVALLONE FRANCESCO  SHTREPI LOUENA  10- Fluidodinamica
Numerical study of the interaction between turbulent flows and acoustic metasurfaces for noise attenuation  AVALLONE FRANCESCO  BOSIA FEDERICO  SHTREPI LOUENA  10- Fluidodinamica  AA - Electric, Elastic, struct. and opt. prop. in lin and nonlin complex system  TEBE (http://www.tebe.polito.it/)
Realization of next-generation MEMS devices with 3D printing technique through the development of new functional materials  STASSI STEFANO  AA - Materials and Processes for Micro and Nano Technologies