Ricerca CERCA


Adaptor and Catheter designs for delivery of a Nanoparticle Gel  DEMARCHI DANILO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
Analysis of cell’s response to different physical and chemical parameters  MARTIN PEREZ ALBERTO  RICCIARDI CARLO  NaMes - NanoMechanical Sensing and NanoMemristive Systems
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO Atomistic modelling biomimetic nanostructured interfaces for improved thermal dissipation  FASANO MATTEO  Multi-Scale Modeling Laboratory – SMaLL (www.polito.it/small)
Changes in the Tendon after Injury with micro Computed Tomography and Histological Assessments  DEMARCHI DANILO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
Development of electrocatalysts for the production of hydrogen from water based on low dimensional materials  GATTI TERESA  AA - Elettrochemistry
Development of nanomaterials and devices for the conversion and storage of solar energy in one single unit  GATTI TERESA  SCOTOGNELLA FRANCESCO  AA - Elettrochemistry
Identifying In Vivo Changes in the Tumor Microenvironment and Sensing with Metallic Nanoparticles  DEMARCHI DANILO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
azienda TESI AZIENDA Nanoconfined water properties for energy storage applications  CHIAVAZZO ELIODORO  FASANO MATTEO  Multi-Scale Modeling Laboratory – SMaLL (www.polito.it/small)
Nanotechnological Approaches to Detecting and Sensing Cholesterol and Serum Lipids  DEMARCHI DANILO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)
Nanotechnological Approaches to Targeting Electrical Conduction in the Heart  DEMARCHI DANILO  MiNES (Micro&Nano Electronic Systems)