Ricerca CERCA

Keyword: SAFETY

Adversary Virtual Platform in embedded system environment for RED TEAM  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
An Open-source Self Reconfigurable Architecture for Aerospace Applications  STERPONE LUCA  GR-05 - ELECTRONIC CAD & RELIABILITY GROUP - CAD
Analysis of a LOFA in the EU DEMO Breeding Blanket  FROIO ANTONIO  NEMO (Nuclear Engineering MOdelling) group (PoliTo)
Analysis of a water LOCA in the EU DEMO Vacuum Vessel  FROIO ANTONIO  NEMO (Nuclear Engineering MOdelling) group (PoliTo)
Chemical engineering approaches for the production of ammonia with unconventional methods  BELLA FEDERICO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Chemical engineering challenges in the batteries field  BELLA FEDERICO  VERSACI DANIELE  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
DSMC analysis of a Loss-of-Coolant Accident from a He-cooled blanket in the EU DEMO Vacuum Vessel  FROIO ANTONIO  NEMO (Nuclear Engineering MOdelling) group (PoliTo)
Experimental development of next generation solar cells  BELLA FEDERICO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Experimental tests on electric scooters  VIGLIANI ALESSANDRO  13-Meccanica del veicolo
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO ITER and DEMO Helium and water-cooled blankets: tritium nuclear safety aspects  TESTONI RAFFAELLA  ZUCCHETTI MASSIMO
azienda TESI AZIENDA esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO ITER and DEMO Helium-cooled blankets: nuclear safety aspects  ZUCCHETTI MASSIMO
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO ITER and DEMO MHD effects in WCLL and DCLL breeding blankets: tritium nuclear safety aspects  TESTONI RAFFAELLA  ZUCCHETTI MASSIMO
esteroTESI ALL'ESTERO ITER and DEMO tritium transport in WCLL and DCLL breeding blankets: tritium nuclear safety aspects  TESTONI RAFFAELLA  ZUCCHETTI MASSIMO
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for Real-Time applications  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Materials and processes for the production of ammonia with unconventional methods  BELLA FEDERICO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Materials engineering challenges in the batteries field  BELLA FEDERICO  VERSACI DANIELE  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Modelling of electric scooter dynamics  VIGLIANI ALESSANDRO  Meccanica del Veicolo
azienda TESI AZIENDA Modelling of electric scooter dynamics with multibody sw (AdamsView)  VIGLIANI ALESSANDRO  Meccanica del Veicolo
New generation batteries  BELLA FEDERICO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Processes and materials for the conversion of polluted water into ammonia and fertilizers by using renewable energy  BELLA FEDERICO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
Risk classification and management, safety evaluation and structural monitoring of existing bridges  TONDOLO FRANCESCO
Safefy Analysis of Roadside Guardrails based on AI techniques  PIRAS MARCO  DIATI, geomatica
Safety and design of DTT Divertor Tokamak Test Facility  ZUCCHETTI MASSIMO
Safety and design of DTT Divertor Tokamak Test Facility  TESTONI RAFFAELLA  ZUCCHETTI MASSIMO  ESSENTIAL
Self-healing materials in the field of batteries and photovoltaics  BELLA FEDERICO  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO
azienda TESI AZIENDA Several thesis in the design of SCADA systems for high-speed railways lines  RIZZO ALESSANDRO
Sheltering factor zone recognition for UAVs via machine learning  GUGLIERI GIORGIO  RIZZO ALESSANDRO  SYSTEMS AND DATA SCIENCE - SDS
Social media-based security analysis applied to the Threat risk assessment  DI CARLO STEFANO  SAVINO ALESSANDRO  DAUIN - GR-24 - SMILIES - reSilient coMputer archItectures and LIfE Sci
Sustainable gigafactory for the production of lithium batteries: development of materials and/or prototypes  BELLA FEDERICO  VERSACI DANIELE  Electrochemistry Group @PoliTO