Ricerca CERCA

Tesi da svolgere con il FERMILAB di Chicago - H-BCAMs Integration in STC for SSR2 Cavity testing at Fermilab

azienda Thesis in external company    estero Thesis abroad

Reference persons TERESA MARIA BERRUTI

Research Groups 11 - LAQ AerMec per componenti di turbine e compressori

Thesis type NUMERICAL

Description Single Spoke Resonator Type 2 (SSR2) cavities are tested in a Spoke Test Cryostat (STC) before being integrated in the
SSR2 beamline. The SSR2 beamline includes a string of five cavities and three solenoids, whose alignment is crucial for
the proper functioning of the accelerator. The alignment will be attained during the string assembly phase, and it will
be monitored during operations using H-BCAMs (http://www.bndhep.net/Devices/BCAM/). The SSR2 beamline will
operate under vacuum and at 2K temperature. Therefore, the alignment of the string components after the assembly
phase (performed at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature), will be affected by structural deformations
caused by external pressure and thermal shrinkages. The goal of this activity is to integrate H-BCAMs in STC and to
calibrate their measurements with the actual displacements observed on reference points of SSR2 cavities during
The thesis can be done either in-person at Fermilab (https://www.fnal.gov/pub/contact/index.html) or remotely. The modality will be agreed with Fermilab.

Required skills A basic knowledge of using Solidworks and ANSYS software is preferred.

Notes An exam average higher than or equal to 27/30 is a requirement.

Deadline 12/03/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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