Ricerca CERCA

Iot System for Precison Agriculture

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    


Riferimenti esterni Dr. Luca Bagatin (luca.bagatin@roj.com)

Descrizione Precision agriculture systems allows to generates and collect data that have a great value, as they allow to monitor the quality of the processes of tillage, sowing, irrigation, harvesting, etc. providing essential inputs for decision-making.
There are a number of ecosystems on the market, consisting of HW / SW for the collection of data from equipment, cloud systems for data aggregation and management systems that use the collected data to allow the planning of activities.
An important topic is the interoperability between different systems, especially between data generation systems and systems for data aggregation and presentation. Infact the suppliers of these respective systems can be different.
The candidate of this thesis work will have to analyze the type of data generated by the ROJ systems, develop the data collection system (using an appropriate embedded HW / SW platform to be defined) and develop the connection to the commercial data aggregation and distribution system.

• The thesis shall be carried out at ROJ company offices in Biella (Italy)
• Due to its cross-functional domain, the thesis could potentially be carried out by two candidates with complementary competences
• A typical duration of 6 months is foreseen for this thesis

Conoscenze richieste embedded C, C++. Knowledge about Android and/or iOS app development will be considered a plus

Scadenza validita proposta 03/06/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA