Ricerca CERCA

Use of Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve the User Experience With Waste Recycling


Description In this historical period, the concept of user experience has become extremely important. Public and private entities continuously seek to improve the users' approach to their products/services to make them as satisfying as possible.
ReLearn is a startup with the aim of optimizing separate waste collection. One of their flagship products is NANDO, a plug-and-play device for monitoring the quality of the separate waste collection.
In this thesis, the aim is to improve the NANDO user experience through Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and more specifically Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques.
The student will then be followed by the ReLearn team to design and implement a system in which the end user can ask questions to the system and get answers. This system must, therefore:
- recognize the demand;
- recognize what is the object for which the user is asking the question;
- indicate the correct recycling bin based on the currently available bins.
For more information, please contact Bartolomeo Montrucchio, Antonio Marceddu, and Federico Fedi at the following e-mails:

Deadline 30/09/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA