Ricerca CERCA

Integrating AI-assisted mixed reality using wearable AR devices into the existing structural inspection process implementing digital twins for prompt decision making

estero Thesis abroad

Reference persons GIAN PAOLO CIMELLARO

Description Mixed reality is one of the key enablers of the digital revolution the world is currently undergoing. Although a number of studies in the past relied on virtual reality-based solutions, augmented reality holds a greater promise for future inspection applications as it overlays digital content and information onto the physical world.
The goal of this research is to process multimodal data collected by heterogeneous sensor systems mounted on a wearable AR device (e.g., HoloLens) either onboard or on the cloud using smart AI-based techniques. Then, relevant information about any identified defects (e.g., crack thickness, spalling depth, rebar exposure, etc.) will be projected on the actual structure under investigation, facilitating real-time visualization and prompt decision-making. Such an efficient human-machine interface will not only enhance the accuracy and quality of inspection but also reduce the latency and scope of human errors. The seamless integration of this technology into the existing structural inspection process will lead to safer and more resilient civil infrastructure systems.

Deadline 17/11/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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