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Definition of a user interface for urban traffic monitoring and control systems


Description In large urban centres, the optimisation of vehicular traffic represents a problem of considerable interest with repercussions on road safety and on the environmental and economic impact of travel. In the context of Smart Cities, numerous strategies for monitoring and dynamic control of traffic flows are being investigated, based on the collection and subsequent processing of information derived from capillary sensor networks. Given the large amount of resulting data, the ability to analyse and display such information through appropriate interfaces is of primary importance, to define a complete picture of the state of the road network, its characteristic parameters and control strategies.
As part of the thesis work, it is required to define a user interface for a traffic optimization tool, able to:

Represent the current state of the road network.
Manage the information coming from different data acquisition and processing systems.
Configure the optimizer parameters and analyse their effects over time through simulations.

Reference contacts:

Bartolomeo Montrucchio (bartolomeo.montrucchio@polito.it)
Andrea Marchesin (andrea.marchesin@polito.it)

Deadline 01/12/2023      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA