Ricerca CERCA

Machine Learning in Cardiovascular Care

azienda Tesi esterna in azienda    estero Tesi all'estero


Riferimenti esterni Stefan Wanckel (@noah-labs.com)

Gruppi di ricerca DAUIN - GR-11 - INTERNET MEDIA GROUP - IMG

Descrizione Develop software that understands, treats, and ultimately prevents cardiovascular diseases. Build a Machine Learning based Health Analytics platform that combines connected medical devices, smart algorithms and a mobile application for patients.

Conoscenze richieste Familiarity with Python and the ML tech stack (Pytorch, Tensorflow, etc.)
- Motivation, ambitious and eager to work on an interdisciplinary project in
MedTech and Machine Learning that will change the paradigm of patient care.

Scadenza validita proposta 26/01/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA