Ricerca CERCA

JUST STREETS - Making safer, healthier and happier streets - Metropolitan City of Milan Pilot


Description The Horizon Europe JUST STREETS project aims to support 8 pilot cities and 4 followers in revolutionizing public spaces and streets, prioritizing just active mobility while championing sustainability and inclusivity for all. The project addresses the pressing need to transform our streets both from an infrastructural and behavioural dimension, shifting away from car-centric environments towards streets that prioritize the needs of all citizens. The focus extends to marginalized groups, including migrants, LGBTQI+ communities and individuals with disabilities, ensuring that their voices are not only heard but actively incorporated into the planning and development process.

The proposed thesis aims at supporting the Italian pilot city (Metropolitan City of Milan) in developing a systematic approach to rethink mobility interexchange places towards more sustainable forms. The change in behaviour is the main challenge of the Metropolitan City of Milan. The candidate will contribute on the analysis of needs and mobility behaviours of active road users by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. Among other things, the candidate will participate in managing focus groups with vulnerable road users, walk-along interviews, etc.

Deadline 11/03/2024      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino, ITALY