Regional assessment of renewable energy potential
Reference persons PIERLUIGI LEONE
Description This thesis aims at assessing the renewable energy potential, mainly wind and solar, for a given geographical region. The work will be carried out in cooperation with E4SMA company and students are expected to spend an internship period inside the company.
The tentative outline of the thesis work is as follow:
I. Literature review
• Review of the main models for estimating renewable potential.
o Available methodologies.
o Types of models (open sources vs proprietary).
o Identification of the main input and output data.
Example: Spatial (GIS), meteorological (MERRA-2, others), technical inputs (assumed power density), other technical parameters specific to each technology), other possible inputs.
o Identification of the technologies covered.
o Existing applications and geographic coverage.
II. Case study
• Selection of the model to use.
• Implementation of the case study including one or more states.
Deadline 31/07/2024