Application of MBSE/CE to multidisciplinary space systems conceptual design
Reference persons SABRINA CORPINO
Description The activity is framed in the Systems Engineering domain, in particular in the area of design methodologies in the early phases of the mission lifecycle. The Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Concurrent Design (CD) approaches are the most effective state-of-the-art method for space missions design during Phase 0 to Phase B1 of lifecycle.
The activity in subject has two main objectives: 1) to improve the capability of the Concurrent Engineering Facility (CEF) of Politecnico di Torino, with respect to the design of small space missions, and 2) to integrate MBSE for supporting the design and sizing of small space missions.
The activity consists in the definition of a set of tools for enabling the design and sizing of a space mission executed by small satellites. A beta version of tools in the form of calculation sheets (Microsoft Excel®) already exists, but they need major revision, tailoring to small scale satellite, and/or new implementation.
Additionally, the integration of MBSE in the CE workflow will be explored and a possible implementation shall be developed.
In collaboration with the Systems and Technologies for Aerospace Research Lab (STARlab team @DIMEAS), this thesis has an approximate duration of 6 – 9 months.
Deadline 28/02/2025