Ricerca CERCA

Augmented reality and tangible user interfaces for virtual character animation


Research Groups GRAphics and INtelligent Systems - GRAINS

Thesis type RESEARCH

Description Tangible user interfaces have been recently exploited as a customizable interaction means for virtual character animation. In a so-called “tangible animation pipeline”, the animator articulates a physical prop that can be made of both passive and active bricks, whose movements are mapped onto the joints and bones of a rigged character’s armature. This thesis will be aimed at further enhancing an existing tangible animation setup, by designing and developing an Augmented Reality (AR) solutions letting the animator visualize the virtual character to be animated superimposed to the manipulated prop. The above solution is expected to improve the virtual-real elements registration step, which should help to improve the intuitiveness of the overall animation process. Viable solutions to track both the tangible interface and the animator by avoiding occlusion issues will be also explored. To this purpose, wearable devices and range imaging will be possibly considered.

See also  http://grains.polito.it/work.php

Deadline 04/02/2018      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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