Ricerca CERCA

Design and realization of a an acquisition system for a photodiode array

Reference persons MARCO ALLEGRETTI

External reference persons Dr. Claudio Lucianaz (claudio.lucianaz@polito.it)

Description The thesis will be realized at Politecnico di Torino with the Remote Sensing Group (which has a great expertise in radar, remote sensing and wireless sensor network, WSN, for environmental monitoring) in cooperation with the company Envisens Technologies s.r.l.
The thesis is about the developement of a Analog to Digital acquisition system composed by 6 photodiodes operating at different wavelength. The system simultaneously collects data from the different bands and store the data in a database.
Application: air quality analysis
Skills: electronic design, orcad, c, c++, c#, fimware programming

Deadline 30/06/2018      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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