Ricerca CERCA

Extensive network simulator for Multi-access Edge Computing in 5G networks

azienda Thesis in external company    



External reference persons Dr. Daniele Brevi, ISMB

Research Groups Telecommunication Networks Group

Thesis type SIMULATION

Description Motivation:
The 5G is the next generation of mobile networks. One of the main objectives of 5G mobile networks is to provide an ultra-low latency with the target of achieving a latency of less than 1 ms. In order to achieve this objective, the Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) paradigm has been introduced. The MEC approach provides computational resources at the edge of the mobile networks, i.e. MEC servers. These servers are closer to the end-users reducing significantly the latency.
The main issue of MEC is to define where applications should run. It is not possible to have all applications running on the MEC servers since resources at the edge are limited. Only a small set of applications should run on MEC servers, while the other applications should run in datacenters located in the core segment of the network. Orchestration strategies, that decide which applications should run at the edge, should be defined and implemented.

The aim of thesis is to develop an extensive MEC simulation framework using the ns-3 simulation environment and the already available mobile networks simulation modules. Simulations will consider complex mobile networks scenarios. The main target of the thesis work will be to develop MEC orchestration strategies and to integrate them in the network simulation framework.

Required skills • Strong experience with C/C++ programming languages
• Strong experience with Python/bash scripting and Linux environment
• Good knowledge of network simulation concepts
• Knowledge of mobile networks

Deadline 11/09/2018      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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