Ricerca CERCA

A Secure Wallet based on SEcube™


External reference persons Antonio VARRIALE (Blu5 Labs Ltd)
Giuseppe AIRO’ FARULLA (PostDoc, Politecnico di Torino)

Research Groups GR-21 - TESTGROUP - TESTGROUP


Description Motivations:
SEcube™ is a combination of three main cores in a 3D single-chip design. Low-power ARM Cortex-M4 processor, a flexible and fast Field-Programmable-Gate-Array (FPGA), and an EAL5+ certified Security Controller (SmartCard) are embedded in an extremely compact package. This makes it a unique security environment where each function can be optimized, executed, and verified on its proper hardware device. Leveraging the SEcube™, it is possible to protect sensible data (e.g., passwords), that can only be accessed by means of a secure wallet, a dedicated application when the hardware token is plugged and unlocked. Without the SEcube™ device (which can be as little as a microSD card) and its password, no information is accessible.

The thesis aims at developing an innovative secure wallet which, leveraging on the hardware-empowered security offered by the SEcube™, guarantees the highest possible level of security when storing private information and secrets.

Learning outcomes:

During this thesis, the candidate will learn how to safely store private and sensible information and secrets, and will gain an in-depth knowledge about cybersecurity primitives and methods.

External/Industrial cooperations:

The thesis activities will be carried out in collaboration with:
- Blu5 Labs Ltd (Malta)
- CINI Cybersecurity National Laboratory

Required skills Programming Languages: C/C++.

Notes Number of required Students: 1 or 2

Deadline 28/12/2018      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino, ITALY