Ricerca CERCA

Power To gas plants impact in distribution grids

Reference persons ANDREA MAZZA

Research Groups GUSEE

Description Power to Gas (PtG) refers to the possibility of producing hydrogen starting from electricity and water, and eventually, thanks to a methanation unit, Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG). While its main use is related to long term storage of excess renewable energy production, the electrolyzer unit (which produces hydrogen) is very fast and therefore able to follow fast deviation in real time, potentially very well suited for very fast grid services like primary frequency control. New generation PtG plants will be modular units of maximum size of 1-2 MW. A vast part of these units will therefore be installed at distribution grid level and they will act to avoid distribution grid problem like Reverse Power Flow (RPF), over-loading of the lines and voltage regulation due to massive introduction of PV plants. Performing more than one service will help PtG plant to increase its profitability.
In this Thesis the role of Power to Gas plants to provide frequency control will be investigated considering at the same time both distribution grid constraints and PtG base schedule.
The thesis consists of three parts (the thesis could be shorter or longer depending on student’s results):
1) Model Construction. A model of the Power to Gas plant will be built composed by three units: electrolyzer, buffer storage of Hydrogen and methanation unit. The principal interest will be on the modelling of the electro-chemical phenomena and thermal equilibrium of the electrolyzer and the dimensioning of the buffer storage
2) Distribution Grid Scenarios Construction. Starting from a distribution grid model, realistic dangerous situation will be added, in such a way to make the grid operation difficult due to the addition of PV power plants. PtG plants will be added into the grid and the best position and schedule able to avoid problem to the distribution grid will be studied, also considering plants working in coordination thanks to the presence of a new player called “aggregator”
3) Frequency control with PtG. Finally PtG plants will also perform frequency control services. First distribution constraints will be verified by using the transmission grid reference incident; secondly, consequences of normal operation (i.e. in which frequency oscillates continuously) on plants and distribution grid will be quantified.

Required skills Aver seguito e superato il corso di Sistemi Elettrici di Potenza e Distribuzione ed Utilizzazione dell’Energia elettrica. Conoscenza di Matlab e Simulink. Elevata autonomia. Media Esami superiore al 26.

Notes https://www.storeandgo.info/ [European Project of which we are part of as POLITO]
Mazza, Andrea, Ettore Bompard, and Gianfranco Chicco. "Applications of power to gas technologies in emerging electrical systems." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018): 794-806.

Deadline 20/03/2019      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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