Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

Analysis of the fatigue behavior of bearing balls

azienda Thesis in external company    


External reference persons S. rizzo, TN Italy, Pinerolo (TO).

Research Groups AA - Metallurgical Engineering

Description The fatigue life of bearings balls will be examined by means of experimental rolling contact fatigue tests (with Hertzian contact), which will be carried out by means of ball bearings mounted in a suitable test apparatus. The tests will be carried out in such a way as to study the fatigue behavior of the individual balls, all other conditions being constant. Therefore, the other elements of the bearing (rings, cage, lubricant) will be periodically checked and possibly changed, the balls will be identified and tests will be conducted, for each single ball, until fracture or the preset number of cycles. These tests will be complemented with a thorough microstructural and dimensional analysis of the new balls and with a detailed analysis of the fracture surfaces of the broken balls. The results will be evaluated with statistical methods and also compared with those of previous tests, carried out in a similar way, but referred to the set of balls assembled together and indistinct rather than to the single ball. All the experimental tests will be carried out at the TN Italy company, in its Pinerolo headquarters (https://tsubaki-nakashima.com/en/). The thesis could also be carried out together with an internship of a similar topic, carried out at the same company.

Deadline 29/05/2022      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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