Ricerca CERCA

Area Engineering

Power Balancing in Low Inertia Grid


Research Groups GUSEE

Description The increasing penetration of non-synchronous generation is leading to have a reduced system inertia, which is also varying during the day. This will cause severe change of the frequency signal of the power system both in normal and emergency states, lowering the security of the system itself.
First part - A model to assessing frequency (in)stability will be built using Matlab/Simulink, starting from the Swing Equation. All the important variables will be customized and inserted as parameters. To create specific Scenarios, data from UK grid will be used. The Goal is to recreate at least a day of frequency oscillation with time variant Inertia and power production
Second part - Then Low future Inertia and high RES penetration Scenarios will be created and the worsening of frequency instability will be correctly quantified. The new needs of Reserve will be correlated to the presence of non-synchronous renewable sources.
Third part - Finally, new solutions will be considered: capacity mechanisms, synthetic inertia associated to storage coupled with PV and wind power plants, synchronous condenser, synthetic inertia from New Loads like Electric vehicles and Power To Gas are all valuable alternatives. Technical and economical considerations need to be studied to find the optimal solution.

Required skills Aver seguito e superato il corso di Sistemi Elettrici di Potenza e Power System Economics. Conoscenza di Matlab e Simulink. Elevata autonomia.

Notes Ahmadyar, A. S., Riaz, S., Verbič, G., Riesz, J., & Chapman, A. (2016, September). Assessment of minimum inertia requirement for system frequency stability. In Power System Technology (POWERCON), 2016 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Deadline 01/03/2019      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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