Ricerca CERCA

Area Architettura

Transition towards sustainable cities : impact assessment implementation for urban sustainable development of city of Turin



Riferimenti esterni Città di Torino; Comunità europea

Tipo tesi EUROPEO

Descrizione The transition towards sustainable cities requires extensive improvement of environmental and energy consumption performances. However, the design of alternative sustainable scenarios is a complex issue which involves a vast number of indicators and stakeholders. In this regard, the use of appropriate assessment tools and decision making models for addressing this issue are needed.
This thesis proposal aims at presenting two on-going joint research activities in the framework of the Interreg projects CesbaMED (Common European Sustainable Built Environment Assessment) and MOLOC (Low Carbon Morphology). These European projects focus on the definition of policies and decision-making models to guide future transformations in the city, developing a “sustainable path”.
The above-mentioned projects consider two different scales of analysis as follows: the CesbaMED projects emphasizes to employ a common set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) within a sustainability assessment tool to support the development of building stocks and ex-industrial parts of the city; the successive project, MOLOC, expands the area of interest to the entire city and identifies normative, economic and social indicators to the implementation of policies of sustainable urban development.
The result is a new multi-criteria indicators-based system for supporting decision making at city level which takes on board the indicators identified by UN Agenda 2030, and specifically Sustainable Development Goal number 11 on Cities and Communities. This tool will be adopted by the City of Turin Master-plan.

Scadenza validita proposta 19/02/2020      PROPONI LA TUA CANDIDATURA

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