Master's degree programmes 2021 - 2022
(students with italian degree)
 (cambia corso)
Corsi di laurea magistrale
Admission requirements A.Y. 2021/2022
To apply for our Master's degree programmes you need to fill out the application form, available on the Apply@polito portal from the section "Segreteria on - line" from your personal page of the Teaching Portal. 
You can apply for a maximum of two Master's degrees programmes and you need to rank them in order of preference:  if you are considered eligible for both programmes,  you will only be allowed to enrol in the Master's degree programme which you  indicated as your first choice. 
Graduates and students who have already acquired no less than 140 credits by July 2021, considered the minimum number of credits to evaluate the university course, may send their application for admission in the first semester and by the deadline for the sending the application for access in the second semester.

Failure to comply with this procedure and the related deadlines will result in the automatic exclusion from access to Master's degree programmes.
In order to be admitted to the Master's degree programmes, each applicant must possess the following requirements:
Informal assessments of the university career will not be carried out.

Enrolment can only take place after obtaining the 1st level qualification, within the deadlines indicated in the deadlines section.
Admissions to the Masters’ degree programme in Territorial, Urban, Environmental and Landscape Planning  are possible both in first and in second semester. You have to stick to the deadlines and meet the admission requirements.